2/5 – 2017 Travel to Poland

3/5 – 2017 Session one

Katrin Noren boxed Taylah Robertson of Australia
A good competitive contest with Katrin showing her skills of good defense, head movement and footwork to emerge a clear winner and through to the next round.

Helena Envall boxed Sycheva Ekaternia of Russia
Sycheva was a very experienced boxer having been on the circuit for years. She did everything she could to spoil Helena’s boxing, constantly holding. Helena’s southpaw skills prevailed boxing superbly to get the win, and on to the next round.

Session Two

Yohannes Berhane boxed Wladislaw Baryschnik of Germany
This was a very technical contest with both boxers showing terrific skill, but it was Yohannes speed that paid off. He was sharper to the punch and landed more cleaner blows to his opponent to get the win.

Mariusz Gnas boxed Max Vander Pas of Netherlands
Max a silky south paw was the tournament favorite who eventually went on to win the gold medal. Marius gave Max a very tough contest. Max only winning by one point on a split decision. Marius can be very proud as he gave a terrific performance against a very experienced opponent.

Oliver Flodin boxed Daniel Daskalo of Israel
This was a scrappy contest, lots of missing and holding by the Israely. Oliver looked the better boxer by far and won the contest.

4/5 – 2017 Session Three – quarter finals

Katrin Noren boxed Lisa Whiteside of GB
Lisa Whiteside is a world silver medallist, on paper Katrin was up against it but we had a game plan which Katrin stuck to and boxed fantastically well to outbox Lisa with a reasonably easy win.

Helena Envall boxed Anita Rygielska of Poland
The Polish girl was taller with a longer reach but Helena showed great skill a massive heart and landed more shots than her opponent, also landing the more quality shots. All the coaches thought Helena had won but the win went to the host nation Poland.

Agnes Alexiusson boxed Natalia Shadrina of Russia
The Russian was a very experienced boxer having been around for many years. She just knew how to spoil Agnes, holding pushing and leaning on, not allowing Agnes to use her skills. Not a good bout to watch. The win went to the Russian.

Yohannes Berhane boxed Rafal Grabowski of Poland
The Pole came forward for every minute of the fight and became a punchbag for Yohannes. Yohannes picking him off with ease, what a tough Polish boxer. Yohannes won the contest.

Adolphe Sylva boxed Mateusz Kostecki of Poland
The Pole was a lot shorter than Adolphe and tried to get in close to Adolphe. Adolphie tried to keep it long but couldn’t maintain the distance under the onslaught from the Pole. The contest went to the Pole.

Oliver Flodin boxed Max Vander Pas of Netherlands
Oliver tried hard but was up against it from the off struggling with Mx’s experience and southpaw style. Losing on points.

Denis Kauffer boxed Mateusz Goinski of Poland
This was a terrific contest to watch with both boxers throwing big shots. Denis skills, toughness and accuracy was the difference between the two boxers. The Polish boxer receiving three standing counts.

5/5 – 2017 Session five

Johannes Berhane boxed Askar Erubek of Kazakhstan
This was another very close fought contest both boxers showing incredible skills. There was nothing in it between the two boxers but we thought Yohannes had done enough to win having thrown the cleaner shots but unfortunately he did not get the decision.

Katrin Noren boxed Virginia Fuchs of Usa
Virginia being a mature lady boxer was very fit strong and fast with a long reach and was also a southpaw. This enabled her to pick Katrin off at long range. Katrin did her best and tried very hard but the win went to the USA boxer who went on to win the gold. An excellent performance throughout by Katrin

Denis Kauffer boxed Arkadiusz Szwedowicz of Poland
Denis came forward in a bid to overpower the Pole but as soon as Denis got close enough the Pole would move off. The Pole was very tricky with excellent movement. Denis tried hard but couldn’t get to him and the Pole won the bout.

I would like to congratulate the team who came away with three bronze medals and also thank Meseret Bede who acted as team manager and coach and also Ulf Persson coach for both working very hard throughout the tournament. The Swedish team and coaches were a pleasure to work with and did their very best on all occasions.

// Nigel Davies