”Dear boxing friends,
After consultation with AIBA R&J Commission and in reply to numerous requests we received from National Federations, we would like to give you herewith some explanations in regards of the R&J assessment.
For 1 Star Test
The National Federation needs to make an application to AIBA to use a National Event as a qualification event for AIBA 1 Star R&J.
An international tournament, organized by your Federation, including competitions of EUBC calendar (except those listed below for 1 to 2 Star and 2 to 3 Star assessment) can be also proposed as qualification event for 1 Star R&J. In this case, we suggest to inform other NFs participating at your tournament by mentioning in the invitation the organization of R&J test for AIBA 1 Star qualification so that other NFs could use this opportunity for the assessment of their referees and judges.
The respective National Federations’ will select the R&Js to take the test to become a 1 Star R&J.
Application process defined by AIBA for the R&J submission and qualification must be followed. Each applicant is required to officiate ten bouts as Judge and five times as Referee plus the written examination. This procedure is the same for each R&J assessment regardless of the assessment’s level.
For 2 Star Test
AIBA R&J Commission, with the approval of the AIBA Executive Committee, has designated Multi-National Tournaments where 1 Star R&Js can be assessed to become 2 Star R&Js. For European continent, these tournaments are as follows:
- Feliks Stamm Tournament, (April 5 – 9) in Warsaw, Poland
- European Union Women’s Championships (May 29 – April 5) in Katowice, Poland
- The Prime Ministry Tournament (August 14 – 21) in Ankara, Turkey
- Tammer Tournament (October 12 – 17) in Tampere, Finland
The applicants for the assessment need to be sent by their National Federation to this tournament within boxing national delegation or in quality of neutral R&J.
For 3 Star Test
2 Star R&Js who wish to qualify as a 3 Star R&J will need to participate in the Workshop organized by AIBA (and the AIBA R&J Commission) prior to an AIBA Controlled Event. The Workshop is usually held around the tournament with an examination at the end.
For 2011, AIBA has selected following tournaments on European Continent:
- Chemistry Cup (March 16 – 20) in Halle, Germany
- Pavlyukov Memorial, Youth tournament (March 27 – April 3) in Anapa, Russia
- Ahmet Comert Youth Tournament (June 12 – 19) in Istanbul, Turkey
The applicants for the assessment need to be sent by their National Federation to this tournament within boxing national delegation or in quality of neutral R&J. The cost for an assessment is US$ 100 per person, to be paid to the International R&J Instructor present during any tournament.
We hope that this information will be helpful for you in order to organize in the best possible way all the assessments your National Federation is interested in.
We remain of course at your disposal for any additional information.
Best regards,
Humbert Furgoni
EUBC President”